Donkey Harness Weaving

I hosted a donkey harness weaving workshop for Finnigan Tools.
Paddy has engineered a unique, sustainable and welfare focussed method of making harness for donkeys, and we were privileged to learn the method and make some parts for the harness here at Kiri Cottage Crafts on the Ards Peninsula. They will be sent out to his working partner in Africa.
Willow Hare Workshop

Hats off to Clive from from Welig Heritage Crafts, Portaferry, as he guided four of us through the process of weaving a hare from willow.
Glastonbury Workshop

Spinning and peg loom weaving in an impromptu one day workshop in the glorious Somerset sun-shine with friends, old and new!
Weaving with Nature

Hand dyed sheep and alpaca fleece, flax, linen yarn, foliage and flowers from our own gardens made very individual wall hangings, and we embellished them with beads and charms.
Craft Workshops

Craft workshops can make great opportunities to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, even just friendships. Large range of workshops available all year round.