Kiri Cottage with Ciara and Joanne

Kiri Cottage Ciara and Joanne 3

Great fun today with two lovely ladies, Ciara and Joanne. They came for a therapeutic, social, craft day, and both learned to spin. And we developed knitting skills in the afternoon, mastering plain, purl and rib.

Crochet for Wellness

Kiri Cottage Welig Heritage Crafts Willow Hare Workshop 4

Hats off to Clive from from Welig Heritage Crafts, Portaferry, as he guided four of us through the process of weaving a hare from willow.

Barr Hall Residential Home Christmas Tree Decorations

Kiri Cottage Christmas Tree Decorations 9

We did some Christmas crafting this morning at Barrhall Residential Home when the residents created some lovely tree decorations.

Such creative people! Merry Christmas to all the residents and staff of Barr Hall!

Final Session with Portavogie Seniors

Kiri Cottage Crafts Portavogie Seniors 2023 11 24 5

I ran my final craft session of the year with the Portavogie Seniors Club this week. We made some simple ribbon Christmas wreaths.

It never ceases to amaze me how many creative people there are, and how everyone sees a project in a different way. I provided an example (one I made earlier…), and a box full of material strips, ribbons, charms and wooden Christmas decorations on each table, and off everyone went to create their own wreath.

I’d say this was a very successful session and I wish all of the seniors a very Merry Christmas!

Ballywalter Seniors Craft Session 4

The very creative ladies and gentleman of Ballywalter Seniors Club made a herd of alpacas at their meeting last Monday.

Armed with felt, beads, ribbon and a rainbow of embroidery threads, they stitched their way through the session, most not even stopping to have their tea and sandwiches (well, until the pineapple delights arrived…).

Great, enthusiastic bunch – thank you all for an entertaining afternoon!

Donkey Harness Weaving

Kiri Cottage Donkey Harness Weaving 2

I hosted a donkey harness weaving workshop for Finnigan Tools.

Paddy has engineered a unique, sustainable and welfare focussed method of making harness for donkeys, and we were privileged to learn the method and make some parts for the harness here at Kiri Cottage Crafts on the Ards Peninsula. They will be sent out to his working partner in Africa.

Willow Hare Workshop

Kiri Cottage Welig Heritage Crafts Willow Hare Workshop 4

Hats off to Clive from from Welig Heritage Crafts, Portaferry, as he guided four of us through the process of weaving a hare from willow.

Another Session with Portavogie Seniors

Kiri Cottage Portavogie Seniors 7

The very creative ladies and gentleman of Ballywalter Seniors Club made a herd of alpacas at their meeting last Monday.

Armed with felt, beads, ribbon and a rainbow of embroidery threads, they stitched their way through the session, most not even stopping to have their tea and sandwiches (well, until the pineapple delights arrived…).

Great, enthusiastic bunch – thank you all for an entertaining afternoon!

Ballywalter Seniors Craft Session 3

Ballywalter Seniors Craft Session 3 6

The very creative ladies and gentleman of Ballywalter Seniors Club made a herd of alpacas at their meeting last Monday.

Armed with felt, beads, ribbon and a rainbow of embroidery threads, they stitched their way through the session, most not even stopping to have their tea and sandwiches (well, until the pineapple delights arrived…).

Great, enthusiastic bunch – thank you all for an entertaining afternoon!

Creative Peninsula Beads and Bracelets

Kiri Cottage Creative Peninsula Beads and Bracelets 4

After a spinning and a peg loom workshop the third of my creative peninsula workshops was all about making bracelets with beads, using a number of different techniques.