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Kiri Cottage Crafts Club 10th January 2024

Kiri Cottage Craft Club 10th January 2024

Great fun today with two lovely ladies, who thought they were coming for a therapeutic, social, craft day, and both learned to spin. And we developed knitting skills in the afternoon, mastering plain, purl and rib.

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club Chosen Charity

Equine Halfway House

Turk and McTavish from Equine halfway house pony rescue and refuge – Equine Welfare Network saying thank you for the donation from Kiri Cottage Crafts Club members!

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club 21st November

We had a lovely, creative evening at the craft club today.

Karen furthered her spinning skills and learned to ply wool.

Margaret and Miriam brought their knitting – both producing small items for charity sales.

Jill brought crochet hooks and started on Granny squares.

I had some Valois black nose fleece that I had washed and dyed, ready to be carded and spun for a client. I was able to finish carding, and spun most of it. I will finish spinning it tomorrow.

Next open house craft club will be Thursday 7 December, 10am to 1pm. Tea, coffee and buns on tap. No charge just a voluntary spare change contribution to Equine Halfway House Rescue and Refuge, based in Lisburn.

Future dates:

Thursday 7 December, 10am – 1pm

Tuesday 19 December 6 – 9pm

Thursday 4 January 10am – 1pm

Tuesday 16 January 6- 9pm

Thursday 1 February 10am – 1pm

Look forward to seeing you!

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club 9th November Meeting Photos

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club met for the second time on Thursday morning, 9 November.

As the nights are dark and the weather is not great, we are alternating fortnightly meetings between a Tuesday evening and Thursday morning.

We had a great mix of crafts – I have a pile of alpaca to spin so it was great to have 3 hours just to sit, spin, chat and eat cake.

Karen got the time to almost finish the binding on her beautiful latch rug (and the incentive to take it home to finish the last wee bit!).

Sharon is weaving a picture on a weaving frame – an interpretation of a painting of a view very close to where we were.

Susan let us see how to use a 3D printer and brought along some great Christmas decorations that she made on it (and got first prize for that evening at her local WI competition!)

Next get together is Tuesday 21 November 6-9pm. Coffee and buns will be available, as always!

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club 9th November Meeting

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club 17 October 2023 8

This evening was the first get together of the Kiri Cottage Craft Club. A small but select group of 5 crafters crocheted, embroidered and spun, shared stories and craic, coffee and cake.

We agreed that the club would meet one evening and one morning a month, as especially coming into the dark evenings, not everyone wants to venture out.

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club First Get Together

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club 17 October 2023 8

This evening was the first get together of the Kiri Cottage Craft Club. A small but select group of 5 crafters crocheted, embroidered and spun, shared stories and craic, coffee and cake.

We agreed that the club would meet one evening and one morning a month, as especially coming into the dark evenings, not everyone wants to venture out.

Portavogie and Ballywalter Senior Clubs

Kiri Cottage Craft Session Senior Clubs

I have been commissioned to provide a number of craft sessions for both Portavogie and Ballywalter senior clubs. The first of these workshops ran this week with a lovely group of ladies in Portavogie.

Speciality Hand Spun Wool

Kiri Cottage Speciality Hand Spun Wool

I have recently completed a 3kg batch of my specialty hand-spun, hand-dyed, thick singles, destined for a customer who is a weaver. This yarn (approximately bulky/ super chunky weight) will make a lovely, thick, warm and colourful material. It it also suitable for knitting and crochet.