Gentleman’s Favour Straw Dollies at Kiri Cottage

Kiri Cottage was visited by another lovely family from Florida, visiting Belfast, the North Coast and Ards Peninsula. I was very fortunate to meet them at my workshop as part of their peninsula travels with tour guide Lizzie Charley.
Kiri Cottage Hosts Bobby and Hal from Florida

It was lovely to meet Bobby and Hal this afternoon, over for a visit to Northern Ireland from Tampa Florida.
We swapped tales of Linenopolis and our linen ancestry for stories of growing pineapples in back gardens, and how to tell if they are ripe (by getting down on the ground and smelling the base of the pineapple – smells sweet and pineappley when ripe!).
We spent some interesting time in my workshop and I hope they went home to Florida with fond memories of the Ards Peninsula.
Preparation for American Visitors at Kiri Cottage

I have been preparing the workshop for a group of American visitors later this afternoon. I have laid out the machinery I use to prepare wool for spinning to demonstrate to them and thought I would share a video of this, as well as some items ‘I made earlier!’