Kiri Cottage Crafts Club 9th November Meeting

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club 17 October 2023 8

This evening was the first get together of the Kiri Cottage Craft Club. A small but select group of 5 crafters crocheted, embroidered and spun, shared stories and craic, coffee and cake.

We agreed that the club would meet one evening and one morning a month, as especially coming into the dark evenings, not everyone wants to venture out.

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club First Get Together

Kiri Cottage Crafts Club 17 October 2023 8

This evening was the first get together of the Kiri Cottage Craft Club. A small but select group of 5 crafters crocheted, embroidered and spun, shared stories and craic, coffee and cake.

We agreed that the club would meet one evening and one morning a month, as especially coming into the dark evenings, not everyone wants to venture out.